Synthesis: Preparation of an Acetate Ester.
Introduction * Procedure

(Adapted from Reed College, Portland, Oregon


Many esters have "fruity" odors as you experienced in an earlier experiment with methyl salicylate, commonly referred to as oil of wintergreen.

They are commonly used as artificial flavors and fragrances. Flavor is a perceived quality that results from a combination of taste and odor transmitted by receptors on the tongue (taste buds) and nose (olfactory bulb). Natural flavors and odors are complicated mixtures of odorants and are not exactly matched by a single compound. However, most people cannot taste a difference between natural and artificial flavorings in food products.

Although the “fruity” tastes and odors of esters are pleasant, they are not widely used in high-quality perfumes and colognes, but more often in the inexpensive “toilet waters.” One reason is the quality of the scent. Another is the hydrolytic reactivity of the ester functional group, which was the reaction that you employed in the synthesis of salicylic acid from methyl salicylate. Esters hydrolyze under basic or acidic conditions. Sweat (perspiration) tends to be acidic, having a pH < 7, which catalyzes ester hydrolysis to the corresponding carboxylic acid and alcohol. Low molecular weight carboxylic acids are typically not very pleasant to smell as you experienced in the first Chem 226 experiment. One such acid butanoic acid, has a strong odor like that of rancid butter and is one of the components of sweat and body odor.

Have you ever noticed a person wearing "cheap" perfume or cologne, who reeked of a smell that seemed to be both sweet and awful at the same time? Attempts to cover body odor with an inexpensive scent will make the problem worse.... unless you never sweat.

A sweet, fruity odor can also serve a plant as an allomone (a chemical that communicates with and alters the behavior of other species). The fruity odor can attract insects that assist in pollenation by transporting pollen to other plants. However, the allomone of one species may also serve as a pheromone in another. Remember, pheromones are chemicals that serve to communicate with and alter the behavior of the same species, as you saw in the earlier on-line Chemical Communication structural exercises. Isopentyl acetate, which smells like banana, is an allomone and is also an alarm pheromone of the honey bee. When a honey bee stings, it looses its stinger and dies. It also releases alarm pheromones in the venom; this includes isopentyl acetate. The ester provokes other bees to swarm and attack the intruder. ........ Do bee keepers ever risk wearing perfume or after shave?

In this experiment you will prepare an acetate ester from acetic acid and an alcohol. The reaction is catalyzed by sulfuric acid, but the catalyst affects only the rate of reaction, and not the extent of reaction. The desired equilibrium product is present in significant amounts only if the equilibrium constant is favorably large.

The equilibrium constant for this reaction is rather small (<4). Therefore, simply mixing equal molar amounts of the starting materials will convert only about 50-60% of the starting material into product. But, recall Le Chatelier's principle, there are two ways to adjust reagent concentrations to force the alcohol to produce ester. One way is to remove product as it forms. The other way is to use a large excess of acetic acid. This experiment is based on the latter approach, but it raises three issues: cost, availability, and by-products/disposal. Acetic acid is inexpensive and readily available. Consider the reaction's procedure and by-product disposal, how "green" is this procedure?

Procedure: (Budget 2.0 lab periods)

Complete the following table and place in your lab notebook under the Physical Constants Data section for this experiment.

Molecular Formula

Molar mass(g/mol)

b.p. oC

d g/mL
acetic acid    
sulfuric acid    

Glacial Acetic Acid causes chemical burns, which can seriously harm skin and eyes. Wear gloves. Avoid contact with the liquid and breathing its vapor.

Sulfuric Acid causes chemical burns, which can seriously harm skin and eyes. Wear gloves. Avoid contact.

Handle the alcohol with care. it may be irritating; avoid contact.

Your synthetic target is to prepare 5.00g (theoretical) of pure ester, assuming 100% yield. Calculate the amount of starting alcohol and acetic acid in both grams and mL that you will need to start with as part of your prelab. Clearly show your calculation to include millimoles, grams, milliliters of alcohol and glacial acetic acid respectively that you plan to use and complete the prelab using the following experimental instructions; show your notebook to Dr. R. for initialing.

Combine the correct amount of alcohol, acetic acid (3 molar equivalents), and concentrated sulfuric acid (1 mL) in a clean, dry, round bottom flask. Put a boiling chip in your flask and attach a reflux condenser. Reflux your mixture for 30-40 minutes while occasionally shaking the apparatus carefully, then stop heating the mixture and allow it to cool to room temperature.

Work up
Pour the mixture into a separatory funnel. Add 10 mL of water. Mix the layers by carefully shaking. Separate the layers and wash the organic layer with 3 x 5 mL portions of 5% NaHCO3. [NOTE: Residual acetic acid and sulfuric acid will react vigorously with NaHCO3 and release lots of gas. Don't mix your layers until the gas evolution appears to have stopped, then mix them cautiously (and vent the funnel frequently).] Wash the organic layer with 2 x 5 mL of saturated NaCl solution. Dispose of the aqueous layers in the acid/neutralized-waste sink witth some solid sodium bicarbonate added.

Dry the organic layer with 1-2 g of of anhydrous Na2SO4. Gravity filter the solution to remove the Na2SO4 and distill the product.

Simple Distillation
Purification calls for a simple macroscale distillation at atmospheric pressure of the acetate ester.

Collect a low boiling fraction as necessary. Prepare one clean, pre-weighed (tared) collection flask for the distillate corresponding to acetate.

NOTE: You and your partner have been assigned one low boiling ester and one high boiling ester. Distill only the lower boiling ester and then proceed to the next part IR-Characterization/ Index of Refraction. For the higher boiling ester continue directly on to the next part: IR-Characterization/ Index of Refraction.

IR-Characterization/ Index of Refraction
Weigh your product. Calculate the % yield. Determine its index of refraction.

1) Refer to IR-Tutor & tutorial:

2) Complete the worksheet, Infrared Analysis (IR) / Synthesis of Acetates .pdf : Unknown spectra (Identify the chemical function present in each Web unknown assigned to you. If your DVC ID ends in an odd number, do the odd Unknowns; if it ends in an even number or zero, do the even. Then, find a partner who has done the other set and explain your assignments of functions and peaks in the spectra that support your choices. Complete the entire form of 10 unknowns. The selection is limited to alcohols, carboxylic acids, esters, ethers, ketones and aldehydes. Be sure to provide the key peak(s) in the spectrum that support your assignment of the function. [NOTE: The molecules contain only C,H,O; there are no nitrogen atoms in the molecules.]

3) Run  FT-IR spectra on 1) your individual unknown liquid (See: Class ASSIGNMENTS) and 2) the ester that you synthesized and distilled.

4) Analyze the spectra.
a. What function is present in the liquid unknown? b. Consider the starting alcohol and glacial acetic acid: are either or both of them present as impurities in your acetate product? c. What peaks indicate the presence of product (ester)? Are the peaks in either of the reactants?

[Analyze the distilled product for impurities using gas chromatography if instructed to do so and as time allows.]

Answer the Post lab questions:

a) Major League Baseball & Chewing Gum

b) Complete Odor, Functions & Structures .pdf (Post lab); refer to the review article on reserve in the DVC library.
"Structure-Odor Relationships", Karen J. Rossiter, Chem. Rev., 96, 3201-3240, 1996 (Library Reserve under Dr. R's name.) Reading:
pp. 3201-08, 3216-26. [For a better view of the rose oxide isomers see: rose oxide #1 and rose oxide #2. Rose oxide #1 is ~100x more powerful in its scent than #2.]